Friday, July 31, 2009

Too many choices for girls...

It is that time of the year and my kids are at that age where you sign up for extracurricular actives! I noticed it is a little harder for the girls to decide what to play or do than Harrison. The boys have all sports or Tae kwon do (what Harrison wants to do!) and that is about it. The girls can do all sports, Tae kwon do, cheer, gymnastics all kinds of dance, and many more options around here! We told them they have to choose one, since any cost times 3 is too much money!! But the girls have a hard time deciding if they want to play soccer or take ballet! Well the other day they had been playing dress up and then decided to go outside to play and this is what I found them doing...
Playing soccer in their tutus!!
I thought to myself, "This would solve all my girls problems, have a girls soccer team that plays in tutus!!" They just looked too cute!

By the way they did decide that this year they want to take ballet!
We have enough kids at our house to have our own soccer team and the girls can play in tutus if they want too!!!


Anonymous said...

My kid of gals!!!!

Yes im dreading the driving around to each activity this fall but worth it!!

Abby is taking ballet
Grant drums (yeah im nuts)
Brad basketball
Ashley (we dont know but she has to get a job! LOL)

never ends!

Mama Bear said...

Love the pictures. Had to chuckle at the "tutu" and the soccer ball. I can just see them running and playing and telling the boys to not touch their "tutututututtu's" LOL

Happy weekend.

Melinda said...

Great photo oppotunity!! Totally put a smile on my face today :-) Looks like your girls are well rounded and they are too cute with their little tutu's on!


Ashley & Chuck said...

That is too cute! They make really pretty soccer players!!

Arena Mom said...

Oh I love it!! My kind of girls....diva tomboys!!!

Hannah said...

We try to stick with one activity at a time too...between the money and the fact that I don't want to spend every minute of my life running from place to place.

I personally think the tutu should be the new soccer uniform! Tutu cute!

happymomof4 said...

I feel your pain and I only have two kiddos. I looked at my the schedule for the fall and I think I have officially become the mom taxi!!! And they will only be 4 and 2. Look forward to seeing the ballet pictures- loved the soccer tutu picutres!

Amy said...

Too cute!! The pictures were priceless. :-) You should frame them together somehow--so pretty.
We are having the same conversation around here.
Can't wait to see the ballet shots!

Lisa said...

Fabulous! LOVE the tutu soccer idea! I think ballet is the right choice since they can't give up the tutus! LOL They look so cute.

The Fitzgerald's said...

That is so funny!