Thursday, October 30, 2008

Farmer Day

Today was Farmer Day at the kids' Pre-school.
Harrison was my little farmer and Harper and Mary Elizabeth were cute girly cows.
My little John Deere Boy!

Harper my prissy little cow!

Mary Elizabeth makes such a cute cow!

Sister cows!

Harrison taking care of his cows!
And for those of you who are wondering, I did make the cow outfits!!


Amy said...

Marsha, those cow outfits are hilarious and what a handsome tractor driving little man you have

Amy said...

HA!! I love it!!!

Flynt Family said...

All the pictures are too cute!

Vanessa said...

You have one hot little farmer and two beautiful cows!! Wishing you all a safe and happy halloween!

Ashley & Chuck said...

You're on a roll with the sewing! All three are absolutely adorable!

Daniel and Christy Davis said...

Those are GREAT! I can't believe you made the cow costumes, they are adorable, as is your little farmer!

Mike and Molly Spivey said...

I LOVE the cow outfits - and I CANNOT believe that you make all these outfits! Where did you learn to do all this?

Grace, Hope and Joy said...

Girl you are too much!! Those cow outfits are great!